Your official student file and student record are maintained by the Office of the University Registrar. For most purposes, you can update the personal information in your file using myStudentSystem. You will need to submit a formal request to change your legal name.

We encourage you to keep your personal information up to date throughout your studies and after you graduate.

Add or edit your addresses

Watch the video: How to change your address

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, Select Profile.
  4. Select Addresses from the menu.
    • Use the + button to add an address.
    • Select an existing row to edit an address.
  5. A pop-up window will appear. Add or update your information as needed.
  6. Click Save.

Add or edit your phone or email contacts

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, Select Profile.
  4. Select Contact Details from the menu.
    • Use the + button to add an email address or phone number.
    • Select an existing row to edit.
  5. A pop-up window will appear. Add or update your information as needed.
    • If you have more than one phone number on your record, use the checkbox to indicate your Preferred phone number.
  6. Click Save.

You may wish to provide the university with a preferred first or middle name. Your preferred name will appear in myStudentSystem, class rosters, mêskanâs and on your university photo/library ID card. The change to a preferred name does not affect your MacEwan username or your MacEwan email address.

Add or update a preferred name

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Profile.
  4. Select Personal Details from the menu.
  5. Click the + button above your name.
  6. Enter your information in the pop-up window or edit your information as needed. Please use proper capitalization.
  7. Click Save.

By entering your preferred name, you acknowledge and agree that the university may use either your preferred first name or your legal first name. You acknowledge and agree that your preferred first name shall comply with all university policies and procedures and that the university may disallow, for any reason whatsoever, your choice of preferred name. Finally, you expressly acknowledge and agree that the university has no obligation, duty or liability to you regarding the use of either your preferred name or legal name in the course of any communications or activities.

Your MacEwan University record must contain your full legal name. This is the name that appears on legal documents such as your birth certificate or passport. Your legal name is also referred to as your primary name.

Official documentation issued by the Office of the University Registrar will contain your legal name. Examples of these include offer of admission letters, official transcripts, T2202 for tax purposes and parchments.

Change your legal name on record

To change your legal name on your university record, you must complete the Change of Personal Information form and provide the required supporting documentation as explained on the form. If you are changing your name in person, take the signed form and your documentation to the Office of the University Registrar.

Change of personal information form

To change your sex on record with the university, complete the Change of Personal Information form and submit the signed form to the Office of the University Registrar.

Change of personal information form

Like names, pronouns are an important part of how we might choose to identify. Should you choose to identify your pronouns, they will be visible to instructors on class rosters and to staff from within student information system.

Add or update your pronouns

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Profile.
  4. Select Personal Details from the menu.
  5. Click on the row below the Pronouns heading. By default there are no values defined.
  6. Enter your information in the pop-up window or edit your information as needed.
  7. Click Save.

Canadians of Indigenous descent may declare their ancestry by selecting one of the available options. Self-declaration of Indigenous ancestry supports the development of services by MacEwan University to meet the needs of our Indigenous students.

Add a declaration of Indigenous ancestry

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Profile.
  4. Select Indigenous Declaration from the menu.
  5.  Click Add Declaration.
  6. Select a value from the list that describes your Indigenous ancestry.
  7. Click Save.

You may also use the Change of Personal Information form to declare Indigenous ancestry. Mail or deliver your form to the Office of the University Registrar.

Change of personal information form

Upload confirmation of Indigenous ancestry

You may need to supply documentation confirming your Indigenous ancestry for equity admission programs and some scholarships and awards. You can upload your document easily through myStudentSystem using the following steps:

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select My Documents.
  4. Select Indigenous Ancestry Document type from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Upload document. A pop-up window will appear.
    • Click My Device to search for your file, or
    • Drag your file into the box
  6. Click Upload.

You may complete the following optional information as part of your profile:

  • Your gender identity
  • Your sexual orientation
  • If you identify as a visible minority
  • Your ethnic or cultural background
  • If you identify as a person living with a disability/chronic medical condition

Completing these fields is completely voluntary. This information is confidential and shared only for the purposes of aggregated statistical data to help us better understand the diversity of our university community.

Add or update equity, diversity & inclusion information

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Profile.
  4. Select Equity, Diversity & Inclusion from the menu.
  5. Click on the row under each heading to select from a list of options.
  6. Click Save after each entry.

MacEwan's privacy policy protects your private information. To grant access to a family member or other third party, you need to complete the Personal Information Disclosure Authorization form.

Personal Information Disclosure Authorization form
Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar is the official annual record of academic programs and courses, graduation requirements and MacEwan regulations.