Explore data, design algorithms and apply mathematical and statistical tools for research, industry, government and other disciplines. If you are drawn to the analytical power of statistics, the Honours program in applied statistics teaches you to translate real-world problems into statistical questions and to work collaboratively to deliver meaningful results.

What to expect 

In the Honours program, you gain a solid theoretical and computational foundation, with courses from mathematics and computer science and senior-level courses that cover the main branches of statistics. You work on individual and group projects and complete a capstone in consultation with researchers from other disciplines or with individuals from industry or government. In your Honours thesis, you work with a faculty supervisor on an original research project and write and defend a thesis.

This program requires a minor that allows you to pursue further studies in another discipline. For example, it strengthens your knowledge in mathematics or computer science and enhances your ability in disciplines such as biology or psychology that rely heavily on statistical analysis.

The Honours program in applied statistics is available to selected students in the Bachelor of Science.

Courses & Requirements
Check the academic calendar to find the courses you need to take and the requirements you must fulfill to complete your program.
Academic Calendar

Apply to the Honours program

Usually, students apply to the Honours program at the end of their second year.

Eligible students are accepted into the program according to several criteria. Before you apply, you must meet general selection criteria for Honours disciplines in the Bachelor of Science.

Not all students who meet the minimum criteria will be accepted into the program. Acceptance is based on academic performance, GPA, course experience and the availability of a suitable supervisor.

Because the Honours program is an intensive course of study, involving a significant amount of one-on-one interaction with a faculty supervisor and access to departmental resources, a limited number of students are accepted into the program. Decisions made by the department regarding acceptance to this program are not subject to appeal.

Meet with the Honours Advisor to discuss requirements, course planning, program expectations and potential supervisors.

Honours advising

Consult the Honours Advisor for more information on the selection process and what to expect in the Honours program.

David Thiessen, Honours Advisor, Statistics