Going to university can be expensive, but a scholarship, grant or bursary can help ease financial demands. While there are a variety of awards that all students can apply for, others are specifically for students with disabilities. 

Student aid and permanent disability grants

You can apply to your province's student aid office for funding such as loans and grants. Visit the Student Aid website for more information.

Student Aid

When you apply for student aid, you may find you are eligible for the following:

  • The Canada Study Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PD), which can be used to help pay for tuition, books and living expenses
  • The Canada Study Grant for Services and Equipment (CSG-SE)
  • The Grant for Disabled Students (GFD)  

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ADR’s learning specialists can provide information about these grants and help you apply for them. Make an appointment with us to discuss your options.

MacEwan scholarships, awards and bursaries

As a MacEwan University student, you are eligible for a number of scholarships, awards and bursaries. Some are open to all students. Others are for students in specific programs or faculties only.

Search our database for details on awards that may be available to you. You can select "Students with Disabilities" as a search query to find specific awards. Current applicants and students can search and apply for awards through myStudentSystem.

Scholarships, Awards & Bursaries

National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) awards directory

NEADS compiles a list of awards offered to students with disabilities in Canada. Check out their Disability Awards web page.

NEADS National Student Awards Program

The NEADS National Student Awards Program encourages full access to post-secondary education for people who often have greater barriers to participation and extra costs because of their disabilities. Awards available are:

The NEADS National Student Awards Program supports disabled students who often need additional financial assistance to be successful in their studies due in part to accommodating their needs in a campus setting. The scholarships are tuition awards payable directly to the student's school. These awards have a value of $3000.

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Established in memory of former NEADS board member Holly Bartlett, who passed away in March 2010. The scholarship is awarded each year by the association with the same criteria as the NEADS Student Awards Program. This award has a value of $1000.

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Established to commemorate the life and contributions of Ms. Christine Nieder, NEADS board member, who passed away in July 2014. The award is offered to a graduate student with a disability in recognition of Christine’s passionate work to address barriers faced to participation in graduate programs of study. This award has a value of $1000.

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AMI’s commitment to making accessible media for all Canadians is celebrated with this award, in honour of Robert Pearson, AMI’s first accessibility officer. There are two of these awards, each with a value of $5000.

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