The MacEwan University Board of Governors has approved the reappointment of Dr. Craig Monk as provost and vice-president, Academic. Dr. Monk’s new term officially commences July 1, 2024 and will extend to 2030.

“I am thrilled to work with Dr. Monk as he continues to play a critical role in contributing to the incredible momentum that MacEwan is experiencing,” says Dr. Annette Trimbee, MacEwan’s president and vice-chancellor. “I am confident that he will continue to make meaningful contributions to our institution’s ongoing growth and success.”

As MacEwan’s principal academic officer, Dr. Monk has provided steadfast leadership during a period of significant change. Highlights of his tenure include his instrumental role in leading MacEwan’s transition to undergraduate university status under the Post-Secondary Learning Act and the subsequent creation of the university’s bicameral governance structure. Under his academic and administrative leadership, the university has also put into action a commitment to expanding tenure-track faculty appointments and to maintaining viewpoint diversity in the academy.

Dr. Monk led the university to strengthen its commitment to providing students with an exceptional undergraduate experience through initiatives, including a new structure for student services in anticipation of the student population expanding to 30,000 learners by 2030. He has also been directly involved in the recruitment of hundreds of new faculty, creating a thriving culture of scholarship and research and developing Teaching Greatness, the university’s strategic vision released in 2022. 

"I am humbled by the positive reaction to my request for reappointment,” said Dr. Monk. “I’m very proud of the progress and growth that the institution has experienced during my time here. And I’m especially pleased that I now have the opportunity to continue to work with my colleagues from across MacEwan to contribute to the next phase of our evolution: realizing the vision set out by Teaching Greatness.”

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