Compare Costs

Most new residents tell us they are excited about living here because they love being right on campus and they like the idea of living with other students. But if you’re wondering—or if the person footing the bill wants to know—the cost is competitive, too.

Amenities include 24-hour front-desk service, storage areas, laundry room on every floor and common areas for socializing and studying. Plus, there is no extra charge for heat, electricity, water or high-speed Internet. Residence Life fees support activities and programming for all residents. Apply early; space is limited.



Compare the cost of different suite types

Two-bedroom suite

  Cost Residence Life Fee Total
4-month term $3,600 CAD $100 CAD $3,700 CAD
8-month term $6,200 CAD $200 CAD $6,400 CAD
12-month term $8,436 CAD $200 CAD $8,636 CAD

Four-bedroom suite

  Cost Residence Life Fee Total
4-month term $3,825 CAD $100 CAD $3,925 CAD
8-month term $6,576 CAD $200 CAD $6,776 CAD
12-month term $8,952 CAD $200 CAD $9,152 CAD

Bachelor suite

  Cost Residence Life Fee Total
4-month term $4,600 CAD $100 CAD $4,700 CAD
8-month term $7,904 CAD $200 CAD $8,104 CAD
12-month term $10,740 CAD $200 CAD $10,940 CAD

Costs are subject to change. We will publish changes as soon as possible. In the event of a discrepancy between the official rates and the published rates, the official rates will apply.

Residence takes away the financial burden of buying furniture and paying for utilities and Wi-Fi on top of rent. It also puts my mind at ease knowing the building is secure.

Compare residence with nearby rental suites

While most rental accommodations outside of residence require a full-year commitment, our suites are available for one term, two terms or a full year. The comparison table below is based on an 8-month term from September through April. The bachelor is our most requested suite. (*) indicates amenities available on every floor.

Bachelor suite

Included MacEwan Residence Off-campus Rental
24/7 front desk service
24/7 on-site security services
Double bed
Bedside table
Closet organizer
Workstation with desk chair
Window coverings
Fridge with freezer
Stove top
Dining table and chairs
High-efficiency washers/dryers*
Residence assistants*
Social lounge with 54" TV/DVD/satellite package*
Study lounge*
Smart boards*
Games room
Video games/consoles
Arcade games/board games
Vending machines
Monthly Costs
Internet $0 $85
Power/heat/water $0 $55
Cable TV $0 $65
Total per month $963 $1,179**
Residence Life fee $200 $0
Total for 8-month term $8,104 $9,432

* Available on every floor.

** All costs for off-campus rental are approximate. The monthly cost is an average based on five bachelor suites near City Centre Campus.

Start your application today.