Terms & Conditions

Conditions of Use

MacEwan University strives to create and maintain an intellectual environment in which students, faculty, and staff feel free to create and to collaborate with colleagues at the University without fear that the products of their intellectual efforts will be violated, misrepresented, tampered with, destroyed, or stolen. This intellectual environment is fostered by an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality that, in part, is supported by the information technology resources made available to the University community.

The University works to maintain information technology resources that are readily accessible to its users and requires that their use be in a manner that is secure, responsible, ethical, respectful, and free from harassment. The use of these resources must, therefore, be in accordance with policy and regulation established from time to time by the University and its operating units.

Complete information can be found in Use of Information Technology Resources Standard D8000-7 (Effective Date: April 27, 2017)