Two six-month directed field studies in a human service agency help develop your management skills. Each directed field study has a workplace learning component and an online learning component. 

Hands-on experience

The directed field studies may be completed in your current place of employment or in an agency/organization approved by the program. You work a minimum of 375 hours during each directed field study, 150 of which are in a managerial or supervisory capacity where you assume significant managerial tasks and can integrate your learning into professional practice. In addition, you plan, manage, implement and evaluate one or more projects for your employer.

Theory, practice and capstone

The online component of each directed field study is facilitated by the instructor who discusses ethical practice and professionalism and introduces you to project management theory and practice.

You also take part in learning activities that involve self-assessment and goal-setting, reflection and professional dialogue to evaluate your performance, reinforce learning objectives and guide your development as a human service manager.

In a capstone assignment, you analyze the project you managed and demonstrate your ability to integrate theory and practice. You then present the paper in an academic and professional manner to the class and/or submit it to your instructor for grading.

You will need to research and secure a placement for both field studies. Contact the program if you need recommendations on suitable agencies/organizations where directed field studies may be completed.

Learn while doing

Gain work experience, apply the skills and knowledge you learn in class to a practical setting, study in another country, conduct research. Experiential learning can take you many directions. Find out what options are available for your program.

Experiential learning