visual communication design (VCD) Pathway


You are interested in all aspects of visual communication and want to expose yourself to a range of disciplines. If you want to understand design from all angles, this is the pathway for you.

When you choose this pathway, you learn about photography, illustration, designing for 3D spaces, advertising and print and publication design.

What to expect

In the visual communication design pathway, you touch on a variety of subject areas, gaining a breadth of knowledge. In the first two years of the program, you focus on foundational skills, but then you enhance your expertise and understanding in photography, illustration, designing 3D environments, publication design and advertising design with intermediate-level courses.

Courses & Requirements
Check the academic calendar to find the courses you need to take and the requirements you must fulfill to complete your program.
Academic Calendar
I bounced around different creative careers for several years – animation, studio arts and textile design – but as soon as I tried visual communication design, something clicked.
Shae McMullin, Bachelor of Design, Dean's Medal, 2022

Job-ready skills

This pathway prepares you to be a graphic designer or visual communication designer. A typical career trajectory may see you start your career in a junior role, move to a more senior position, and eventually to a management position, such as an art director or creative director. Because you learn about a broad range of disciplines, you have the background you need to specialize in other areas as your career progresses and to purposefully direct or manage a team of creatives, fully understanding their various areas of expertise.

The Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) hosts detailed occupational profiles, salary survey data, trend reports and assessment tools to help you choose and plan a career that matches your skills and interests.

Program planning

Academic advisors for the program have prepared resources to help you understand how to select and enrol in courses to fulfill the core and elective requirements of your degree.

Program planning and planning sheets

Other ways to take DXD
At MacEwan University, you can learn about digital experience design as a pathway in the Bachelor of Design, a post-diploma certificate or a minor.
DXD at MacEwan

Your department, your community

On the department website, you can learn more about your instructors, check out student and faculty research and find details on events and activities organized by the Design Students Organization.  

Department of Design